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Before You Book (Draft 2)

I look forward to our call! VIDEO PLACEHOLDER

Here are 3 things to know about our call:

The Purpose of the call is to choose one of 4 next steps:

  1. We agree to move forward with a relationship
  2. We agree to a 2nd free consult (for you to meet your lead planner)
  3. We agree we are not a good fit to work together
  4. You decide to take some time to think about it and continue your research

The Agenda.

  1. You Provide Some High-Level Background:
    1. Have you worked with a planner before?
    2. Who depends on you financially?
    3. Do you have a “knife in the back” issue that is prompting this conversation?
    4. Do you have anything complex or unusual about your situation?
  2. You ask me a few key questions that will help you make your decision

Preparing for Our Call.

  1. Feel free to upload anything you’d like us to review to our secure upload link.  This is entirely optional.  Examples could include account statements, and existing financial plan, a recent tax return, a spending budget.
  2. Check out my videos and/or my book.  If don’t have a copy of my book…..