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Before You Book (Draft)

Please consider these X items before booking your call

Based on your answers, we may or may not be a fit. Please review these 4 points carefully and before booking a call:

Your Life Stage. Most of our clients are Pre-Retirees and Retirees. If you plan to work full-time another 7+ years you are an Accumulator. While we certainly serve Accumulators, our specialty is in retirement income planning (and all adjacent issues and strategies). If you hire us when you are an Accumulator we’ll do a great job for you, and will enjoy more and more of our specialty over time.

Your Investable Assets. We do NOT enforce any minimum asset levels or maximum asset levels. With that said, MOST of our clients have $2 to 10M under management with us. The larger your portfolio, the more attractive our flat $9,500 fee gets vs the traditional “1% Advisor.”

Moving Your Accounts to Schwab. The “Custodian” we work with is Charles Schwab. We require our clients to transfer their assets to Schwab (but not accounts that can’t come over). To be clear, the transfer is NOT a taxable event. But if you are not open to moving your accounts (from Fidelity or Vanguard, etc.), we can’t work together.

Checking Out My Book and/or Videos. The demand to work with us is very high, do it is critical that I only speak with folks who are very likely to be a fit. To that end, please check out my videos and/or my book prior to our conversation (if you have not already). People tell us all the time they are extremely helpful in determining whether a conversation makes sense. If you’d like a FREE copy of my book, please email [email protected] and request EITHER the Hard Copy or Kindle. For the Hard Copy, include your full name and physical address.