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Our Mission Is to Replace Your Financial Anxiety with Relaxed Confidence.

We do this by specializing in retirement income planning with a straightforward, fixed flat fee. Through an evidence-based investing approach, our strategies are designed to grow and protect your wealth for years to come.

We’re Committed to Transforming a Tarnished Industry Into a Helping Profession.

In Our Eyes…

Product Sales People Does Not Equal Objective Financial Planners Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Product sales people ≠ objective financial planners.

Many financial professionals are in the business of selling products. We don’t see how this lends itself to offering advice in your best interest—at CAM, we never work on commissions.

Financial Advisors Should Save you Money Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Financial advisors should save you money, not take it away from you.

Even if not working on commissions, many advisors charge a percentage of your portfolio. This can end up being well above our fixed flat fee rate and is still rife with conflicts.

Successful Retirement Planning Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Your life goals are central to successful retirement planning.

Investment managers tend to merely focus on your portfolio, but we take great care to understand your goals. A plan is only effective when tailored to your unique ambitions.

Your financial life should be simple Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Your financial life should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.

We don’t follow one-size-fits-all techniques. Our strategies are personalized, yet simplified. We strive to turn financial complexity into solutions that are low-cost, tax-efficient and straightforward.

Are You...

Retiring Soon? Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Retiring Soon?

Already Retired? Boston, MA Clark Asset Management

Already Retired?

...if so, our services are designed just for you.

Learn More About Who We Serve

As Part of Our Rigorous Retirement Planning Strategies,
We Help You:

Protect & Build Your Retirement Income

Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Build Your Own Pension

Manage Your Low-Cost Growth Portfolio

Reduce Your Tax Liability

$12,500 Per Year

No Percentages. No Commission. Ever.

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Get to Know What We’re All About.

Meet Bradley Clark, CFP®